White Shield, North Dakota
The Tribal Segment of White Shield on the Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation completed an economic
development strategic planning process in December of 2010. Although the process did yield a document
that outlined the vision, direction and specific strategies for White Shield, the plan was not implemented
Members of the Vision West ND Administrative Team visited White Shield as a part of an outreach to all six of the Three Affiliated Tribe segments, and community leaders voiced interest in leveraging the Vision West ND process to move their existing strategic plan forward.
White Shield is not impacted by the growth of the oil industry to the extent that Mandaree, New Town, Four Bears and Parshall are. White Shield is more similar to Twin Buttes, being on the fringe of most of the impact and activity.
Nonetheless, community leaders in White Shield have a strong desire to benefit from the overall economic growth of the Three Affiliated Tribes, and to implement economic development and quality-of-life enhancing projects.
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