Building Communities

Certified Cities Program - Building Capacity State-wide

Many states are actively working to assist their communities to build capacity and sharpen focus on community and economic development. They often use "Certified Cities" programs to guide and support these efforts but frequently the work is very subjectively designed and ineffectively carried out.

How can states develop a curriculum that informs communities about approaches to build their local capacity?  How can states best help communities strategically position themselves for the future?

Introducing the Building Communities Certified Cities Program

Building Communities offers the nation’s first objective, comprehensive approach to community and economic development strategic planning.   Two quickly administered analyses—Community Organizer Assessment and the Key Success Factor Analysis—give states and their communities many benefits:

Why Our Approach is Better

The table below compares the standard certification approach to the Building Communities approach.

Standard Approach Building Communities Approach
Subjective approach to assessing capacity Community Organizer Assessment, which addresses 14 elements of community and business development capacity
Random approach to improving capacity Very specific capacity findings, recommendations and exercises
Generally does not include strategic planning Option to utilize the Key Success Factor Analysis to build locally based community and economic development strategic plans
Strategic planning is generic Strategic planning process designed specifically for application to cities and counties
Follow-up action frequently missing Dozens of recommended action steps built into both of the above analyses
Does not showcase state-specific programs Session jointly designed by Building Communities and the state focused upon state-specific resources

How the Program Works

States seeking to establish or improve a Certified Cities Program create a Program Manager position designed to deliver the statewide programming.

Building Communities then works with the state’s Certified Cities Program Manager to scope out the program:

Getting Underway

Building Communities recognizes that states differ with respect to Certified Cities programming.  Some states have been administering such programs for many years but may be looking for a more objective approach, while others are establishing their programs for the first time.   Our methodology is flexible and can easily accommodate these differences.

We invite you to fully explore the benefits to your state of our approach.   Contact us today at (928) 814-3710.


©2017 Building Communities, Inc.